Event Recap
Kielce, Poland – General Dynamics – Ordnance and Tactical Systems (GD-OTS) announced the successful completion of its two year prime contract for delivery of MK84 General Purpose Bombs to the United States Air Force. GD-OTS commends the following strategic supply chain partners for their key contributions to the success of the program: NitroChem, Bydgoszcz-Poland (TNT), Paramount Enterprises International (Transatlantic + CONUS Logistics) and PolMare (Poland Logistics).
As of June 2019, this partnership supplied more than 20,000 MT (metric tons) of TNT for use in manufacturing aerial ordnance vital to the national defense of the United States. GD USAF programs will result in revenue to Nitro-Chem in excess of USD $100M through 2020.
US Ambassador to Poland, the Hon. Georgette Mosbacher offered remarks during a visit to the joint exhibition/booth of General Dynamics-OTS, Nitro-Chem, Pol-Mare, and Paramount.